County Equestrian Buildings offers a fast and efficient re-roofing service with minimal disruption. Old roofing materials removed and taken away (not Asbestos) and a choice of new roofing materials offered to suit your requirements.
Please contact our friendly team for a quotation.
Re-Roofing: Gallery
Re-roof before L shape stables
Re-roof after L shape stables with Plastisol coated steel
Re-roof stables before
Re-roof stables after with Plastisol coated steel
Re-roof L shape stables before
Re-roof L shape stables after with Onduline
Re-roof stables before
Re-roof stables after with Plastisol coated steel
Re-roof stables before
Re-roof stables after with Onduline
Re-roof shelter before
Re-roof shelter after with Plastisol coated steel
Truck and trailer with Onduline on way to a re-roof
Whatever your requirements, large or small, we will endeavour to supply you with a reliable, quality and value for money service.